January 10, 2012

{ Project Life 2012 | week one }

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week One (Jan 1 - Jan 8)

I will posting my project life here per week.

This is my second time doing Project Life. My approach is to try and keep things fairly simple. I love what Ali and Lisa doing in PL 2011. Ali make it simple and Lisa make it in detail. So I'll combine what they are making. As I told before I using Clementine Edition and I'm also using some printable journaling card from Marcy and LizTamanaha

I have to say that I'm glad that I choose Clementine this year. I love the design and also the color. All I can say that I'm super happy with Clementine design.

I'm not taking everyday picture, so the pictures could be from the same day. I just choose the one that I love. I think it work very well in my PL.
Base from my Project Life 2010, I didn't looking for the day but I looking for a story in the pictures. In my opinion if one day there's a lot of story to tell, just go for it.

Here's a look of my Week One:

Here's the closer look of left page:

And here's the closer look of right page:

So far I'm happy with the result. It different with my previous Project Life. 

Before I print all the pictures, I manage some picture and story using Marcy Penner Project LIfe Printable Planners. It makes Project Life more simple to me. Thanks Marcy for the free template.

Thanks for stopping by and hope everyone has a great day!

PS: Sory for the dark pictures. I should have lighter it a little bit :)