December 12, 2011

{ Project Life 2012 | just arrived }

Today I'm so hubby came from Singapore and bring this lovely kit, Project Life 2012 kit... woohooo. Thanks so much to my hubby who pick it up in the middle of his busy day there...

I know that I missed Project Life 2011 and I regret it. I don't want that happened again and the good news is Becky makes Project Life easier for us who lived in Asia. From this year we can purchased Project Life direct from one of Project Life distributor store in Singapore, Scraplicious. The owner, Cheryl is a very nice lady who very helpful with all my questions about arranging shipping. After counting all shipping cost and custom tax that almost cost 1 kit, I decided to asked my hubby to pick it up when he had business trip to Singapore. Alhamdulillah it went well, hubby got his trip when the kit arrived from State... *and I just doing happy

This year Project Life has 4 design kits and I choose Clementine Edition. I love the design and also the color. It's my fave color. And because I made pre-order, I got free Cardstock Clementine Edition and Blank Journaling Cards. Yiipeee...what a great deal. I'm more than happy. Now I can't wait 2012 to begin fill my Project Life album with my photos and journaling.

PS: This year I'll do weekly photos rather than daily photos just to make me less stress..

December 4, 2011

{ 1st lay-out on SC member Gallery }

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama pengen upload lay-out di Studio Calico Member Gallery, kesampaian juga deh. Masalahnya sih bukan karna belum bikin lay-out nya, tapi cuma karena belum sempet aja fotoin lay-outnya. Nah kalau sudah selesai difoto pun kadang suka lupa up-load di komputer..hehe. Akhirnya niat mau upload di SC member jadi tertunda lagi. Beberapa hari yang lalu pas lagi liatin member gallery, tiba-tiba inget mau upload dan kebetulan ada beberapa lay-out yang baru di foto dan juga sudah di ada dalam komputer, jadi pas deh. Langsung deh di up load. Ini dia... ...You Are Making Art memakai Studio Calico October , Field Guide kit. Gue suka banget kit bulan October ini. One of my favorite kit this year. Pas banget dengan foto Najwa yang sedang painting. Gue pake juga washi tape dari Amy Tangerine line, love it. Selain itu dari kit bulan ini juga dapat 2 washi tape. woohoo...koleksi washi tape gue bertambah lagi *senangnya...
(Journaling: Lately these days Najwa has a passion in art like painting and drawing. Sure it will mess-up her clothes, table and of course her hands. But it's ok. I just love that she is making art )

...Nusa Dua Beach masih pake kit yang sama. Gue scraplift dari salah satu lay-out SC Desain Team, Geralyn. Pertama liat lay-out nya, gue langsung inget foto2 waktu liburan di Bali yang belum gue buat. Setelah upload dan dapat komentar yang bagus2 dari member gallery, jadi semangat. Next time gue akan up load lagi di member gallery.

(Journaling: We just enjoying our summer vacation in Bali this May 2011. We spent most of our time in the beach and in swimming pool. The beach is awesome. I love the color of the sea and the white sand. We pland someday to go back here again)

December 1, 2011

{ it's been so long }

OMG... just check out my blog and it's more than 1.5 years from my last post.
I know since move back to my hometown it quite busy here. Unpacking stuff, house renovation, Najwa 1st time to school etc. beside that I'm too lazy to take a picture of my lay-out and up load here. I can't promise to blog often, but I try to do it. I